Matches 1 to 50 of 2,242
# | Notes | Linked to |
1 | 3.4.1803 Alligin to Donald Maclennan and Mary Maclennan - Mary | McLennan, Mary (I1689)
2 | Illawarra Mercury (Wollongong, NSW : 1856 - 1950) Thu 3 Oct 1889 Page 2 Family Notices DEATH. HAMILTON.—On the 26th September, at his homestead, Riverdale, Otford, New South Wales, William Hamilton, native of County Tyrone, Ireland, leaving an affectionate wife and loving family to mourn their loss, besides a large circle of relatives and friends to regret his demise ; aged 68 years. Thy will be done. | Hamilton, William (I4845)
3 | James Tudgee, Shoemaker, Salisbury, Wilthsire | Family (F194)
4 | Lachlander and Condobolin and Western Districts Recorder (NSW : 1899 - 1952) Wed 1 Jun 1910 Page 4 The marriage was celebrated in the Church of England on Monday evening last of Mr Ernie Smith, Shire Contractor, Condobolin and Miss Annie Moller, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs A. Moller, of Condobolin, the Rev. S. North tying the nuptial knot. The bride was given away by her father, and Miss Ada Moller (sister) acted as bridesmaid. Mr Reg. Moller filled the capacity of best man. After the ceremony a sumptuous repast was partaken of by the wedding party and the usual congratulatory toasts were proposed and honored. We wish the couple a long reign of connubial happiness. | Family (F306)
5 | New South Wales Government Gazette (Sydney, NSW : 1832 - 1900) Fri 11 Oct 1889 [Issue No.538] Page 7209 ECCLESIASTICAL JURISDICTION. In the estate and effects of William Hamilton, late of Riverdale, Otford, in the Colony of New South Wales, farmer, deceased, intestate. NOTICE is hereby given tbat after the expiration of fourteen days from the publication hereof in the New South Wales Government Gazette, application will be made to the Supreme Court of New South Wales, in its Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, that letters of administration of all and singular the estate, goods, chattels, credits, and effects of William Hamilton, late of Riverdale, Otford, in the Colony of New South Wales, farmer, deceased, intestate, who died on the 26th day of September last past, may be granted to Marget Hamilton, of Riverdale, Otford, in the Colony aforesaid, the widow of the said deceased.—Dated at Sydney, this 8th day of October, A.D. 1889 W. H. PIGOTT, Proctor for Administratrix, 28, Castlereagh-street, Sydney. 7836 6s. 6d. | Hamilton, William (I4845)
6 | New South Wales Government Gazette (Sydney, NSW : 1832 - 1900) Tue 15 Sep 1891 [Issue No.596] Page 7383 PROBATE JURISDICTION. In the SuDreme Court of New South Wales. PROBATE JURISDICTION. In the will of George Robert AHingham, late of Artnidale, in the Colony of New South Wales, landholder, deceased. APPLICATION will be made, after fourteen days from the publication hereof, that probate of the last will of the above named deceased may be granted Martha Allingham the sole executrix in the said will named.—Dated this 14th day of September, A D. 1891. JOHN ADAM McDONALD, Proctor for the said Executrix, Beardy-Street, Armidale. By his Agents,—Dibbs & Gibson, 92, Pitt-street, Sydney. 7147 Gs. 6d. | Allingham, George Robert (I2067)
7 | Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate (NSW : 1876 - 1954) Thu 31 Dec 1896 Page 6 AUSTRALASIAN ITEMS. Mr. William Ramsey, of Double Creek, Bega, died on Tuesday morning, aged 58 years. He was one of the most respected and successful farmers, and took an active interest in everything relating to the advancement of dairying in the district. He was a prominent member of the Bega Agricultural Society and a member of the School Board. | Ramsay, William (I3876)
8 | The Armidale Express and New England General Advertiser (NSW : 1856 - 1861; 1863 - 1889; 1891 - 1954) Fri 13 Nov 1936 Page 4 WEDDING Earle—Norton The wedding took place at The Armidale School chapel on October 30, of Mary (Mollie), eldest daughter of the late Mr. O. F. Norton, and Mrs. H. Norton, of Wombalano, Walcha, and Leonard Henry, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Earle, of Jackson-street, Manly. The Rev. H. P. Young, headmaster of The Armidale School, performed the ceremony. The bride, who was given away by her brother, Mr. E. Norton, chose a moulded gown of mangolia satin, with the circular train cut into the skirt. A magnolia tinted veil which fell in billowy folds around the gown, were held in place by a coronet of orange blossoms. She carried a bouquet of cream orchids and arum lillies with trains of white stocks. Miss Olive Morse, of Mogil Mogil, was chief bridesmaid, The other bridesmaid was Miss Joyce, a cousin of the bride. Mr. James Sandilands, of Uralla, was best man, and Mr. L. Norton, of Walcha, cousin of the bride, was groomsman. Mrs. Norton, mother of the bride, received the guests at the reception. The honeymoon will be spent on a motor tour of the North Coast. The future home of Mr. and Mrs. Earle will be at Whanake, Piallamore, Tamworth. | Family (F1495)
9 | The Corowa Free Press (NSW : 1875 - 1954) Fri 1 Nov 1946 Page 3 BARBER--CALLAND A very pretty wedding was celebrated at St. John's Church of England, Kirrlbilll, Sydney, on September 23, 1946, when Joan, daughter of the late Mr. F. Catland and of Mrs. Calland, of Kirrlbilll, was married to Harold Reginald, third son of Mr . and Mrs. L. Barber, of Arncllffe. The bride, who was given away by Mr. A. Sheriff, wore a lovely gown of white Grafton crepe, a lovely handmade, lace veil, kindly lent by an old friend of the family, together with a coronet of orange blossom. She carried a lovely bouquet of cream roses and orchids. The matron of honor, Mrs. Sheriff, wore a lovely frock of dull blue crepe with a coronet of pink carnations and forget-me-nots and carried a bouquet of matching flowers. Little Miss Pamela Van Campen was the flower girl, frocked in pale pink glove silk and a beanie of pink carnations and she carried a basket of the same flowers. The bridegroom was attended by his brother, Mr. Len Barber. A reception attended by about 40 guests was held at "Shangri-La," Chatswood. The bride's mother received tbe guests in a frock of blue mesa crepe with navy accessories and a matching hat, and wore a spray of orchids. The bridegroom's mother chose a black silk crepe beaded frock and a spray of orchids, her black hat was trimmed with pink spring flowers. Many congratulatory telegrams were received and included a cable from England. The young couple left for their honeymoon which was spent at the Mountains and at Orange. The bride travelled in a duck egg blue max crepe with tan and white accessories and worn with a hat of pink French roses and ostrich tips to match. The bridegroom was for some years on the staff of the Corowa, post office and his father was at one time teacher - of the Hopefield public school. | Family (F1610)
10 | The Tithe Applotment List of 1832 showed George Allingham Jr. with 21 acres in the Townland of Cordwood in Drumkeeran Parish, Co. Fermanagh, Ireland.(29) Father and son each held half of the townland. | Allingham, George (I953)
11 | The Tithe Applotment List of 1832 showed George Allingham with 15 acres in the Townland of Crononish in Drumkeeran Parish, Co. Fermanagh, Ireland.(26) The Tithe Applotment List of 1832 showed George Allingham with 21 acres in the Townland of Cordwood in Drumkeeran Parish, Co. Fermanagh, Ireland.(27) Father and son each held half of the townland. The Tithe Applotment List of 1832 showed George Allingham with 16 acres in the Townland of Old Orchard in Drumkeeran Parish, Co. Fermanagh, Ireland.(28) Father and son each held half of the townland. Information about George and his descendants is from a submission to the LDS ancestral file by Dr. Jon Martin. | Allingham, George (I1593)
12 | The Wingham Chronicle and Manning River Observer (NSW : 1898 - 1954) Fri 20 Mar 1942 Page 1 MR. F. J. MARCHMENT. The death occurred suddenly at his home at Redbank, Hastings River, on Monday, 2nd March, of Mr. F. J. Marchment, aged 60 years. Deceased was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. F. Marchment, and was born at Port Macquarie. He was married at the Church of England, Kendall, in 1909, to Miss Louisa Wilson, youngest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson, who went to the Comboyne from Berry some 38 years ago and carried on farming pursuits. There were two daughters to the union, Mrs. R. Churchill (Long Flat) and Mrs. Cecil Noakes (Oxley Island). Mr. and Mrs. Marchment, who engaged in farming and dairying, resided on their farm at Redbank, Wauchope, all their married life. Mr. Marchment hardly, knew what it was to be attended by a doctor, and died suddenly while at his work. His wife and daughters will mourn a devoted husband and father, whose passing is regretted by a large circle of friends. The late Mr. Marchment was educated at Mt. Victoria Grammar School, and was later apprenticed to the saddling trade with the old firm of J. M. Gregory and Sons, of Sydney. He later moved to the Richmond River, where he lived for many years, and there distinguished himself as one of the finest pigeon shots of that time. He was also known on the Hastings as a fine shot, having bagged many ducks and quail. At one time deceased worked for Mr. C. E. Wright, saddler, of Wauchope, but found indoor life irksome, and took to dairying pursuits, which he has followed for 36 years. He led a quiet and reserved life with his wife and family, taking no part in public affairs. Sisters of deceased are Mesdames E. Bacon and F. V. Browning; and brothers Messrs. Donald, Henry, Robert, William, John and Stanley (deceased). The funeral service was conducted by Canon Symonds, who officiated at the interment in the Church of England portion of the new Wauchope cemetery, where a large number of friends congregated to witness the last sad rites. 'Shire Gazette.' | Marchment, Francis Joseph (I4526)
13 | !BIRTH PLACE: Penrith City Council History Records says "Edinglassie" was the first private house erected at Emu Plains. Source Keith Jones. | Field, Sophia (I2404)
14 | "England, Cheshire, Marriage Bonds and Allegations, 1606-1900," database, FamilySearch ( : 21 May 2014). Cheshire Record Office, Chester. | Source (S1241)
15 | 058/2 1 | Family (F147)
16 | 058/2 4 | McKenzie, Roderick (I1225)
17 | 058/20 0165 | McKenzie, Mary (I1521)
18 | 058/20 0185 - 5.2.1837 Alligin to Angus Mackenzie and Mary MacDonald - Catherine (born 20.1.1837) | McKenzie, Catherine (I539)
19 | 058/20 0189 - 17.3.1841 Alligin to Angus Mackenzie and Margaret MacDonald - Anne (born 30.10.1840) | McKenzie, Ann (I540)
20 | 1 Apr 1884 at Donhead Father: Angus McKenzie, Agricultural Labourer Mother: Margaret McKenzie (nee McDonald) Married: 20 Jan 1873 Cromarty Signed: Angus McKenzie his x mark Registered: 21 April 1884 at Coupar Angus | McKenzie, Margaret (I151)
21 | 1 Oct 1904 at Dovehill Cottage, Carluke Father: Roderick McKenzie Baker (Domicil; Soldier and Sailor's Mission Home, Europa Road, Gilbraltar) Mother: Elizabeth Simpson McKenzie (nee Marshall) Married: 17 Apr 1902 at Gibraltar Signed: Lizzie S McKenzie, mother Registered: 17 Oct 1904 at Carluke | McKenzie, Angus (I717)
22 | 10 May 1887 Glenisla Father: Angus McKenzie, Cattleman Mother: Margaret McKenzie (nee McDonald) Married: 25 Jan 1873, Cromarty Signed: Angus McKenzie his x mark Registered: 31 May 1887 | McKenzie, William (I152)
23 | 10.1.1822 Alligin to Duncan Macdonald and Ann Maclean - Alexander | MacDonald, Alexander (I4596)
24 | 10.12.1805 Alligin to Donald Macdonald and Ann MacBeath Catherine | MacDonald, Catherine (I4578)
25 | 10.12.1805 Crinan, Corry to John MacDonald and Janet MacLean – Donald | MacDonald, Donald (I4559)
26 | 10.2.1825 Alligin to Kenneth Maclean and Isabel Mackenzie - Donald | McLean, Donald (I1849)
27 | 10.4.1832 Angus Mackenzie and Mary MacDonald, both Alligin | Family (F157)
28 | 10.8.1813 Roderick MacLean and Anne Maclennan, both Doire nam Fuaran | Family (F1759)
29 | 10.9.1809 Alligin to Murdoch Macdonald and Janet Mackenzie John | MacDonald, John (I3554)
30 | 11.8.1822 Alligin to Kenneth Mackenzie and Christian Maclennan - Donald | McKenzie, Donald (I3579)
31 | 12 Aug 1881 at Milton, Collace Father: Angus McKenzie, Farm Servant Mother: Margaret McKenzie (nee McDonald) Married: 29 Dec 1870, Cromarty Signed: Angus McKenzie (present) Registered: 31 Aug 1881, Collace | McKenzie, John (I150)
32 | 12.1.1825 Duncan MacDonald and _ _ _ Maclennan, both Alligin | Family (F581)
33 | 12.2.1831 Diabaig to Roderick MacLean and Anne Maclennan - Alexander | McLean, Alexander (I4890)
34 | 12.4.1812 Alligin to Donald Macdonald and Ann Macbeth Anne | MacDonald, Anne (I4580)
35 | 12.7.1835 Alligin to Donald MacIver and Mary Mackenzie - Catherine (born 17.5.1835) | McIvor, Catherine (I1606)
36 | 13 Sep 1879 at Balgraydykes, Cargill Father: Angus McKenzie, Cattleman Mother: Margaret McKenzie (nee McDonald) Married: Feb 1871 Resolis (???) Signed: Angus McKenzie his x mark Registered: 27 Sep 1879, Cargill | McKenzie, Alexander (I149)
37 | 13.3.1804 Alligin to Finlay Macdonald and Ann Maclennan - Duncan | MacDonald, Duncan (I3047)
38 | 13.3.1808 Alligin to Duncan Macdonald and Ann Maclean - Mary | MacDonald, Mary (I4591)
39 | 14 August Which Day Duncan McKenzie Weaver in Melvaig and Jannet McDonald daughter to John McDonald at Ineloid were married. | Family (F1871)
40 | 14.10.1820 Doire nam Fuaran to Roderick MacLean and Anne Maclennan - Janet | McLean, Janet (I5398)
41 | 14.6.1836 Alligin to Duncan MacDonald and Mary MacIver Alexander (born 13.3.1836) | MacDonald, Alexander (I1841)
42 | 14.6.1836 Alligin to Duncan MacDonald and Mary MacIver Alexander (born 13.3.1836) | MacDonald, Alexander (I1841)
43 | 14.6.1840 Wester Alligin to Alexander MacDonald and Anne MacDonald - Murdoch (born 24.1.1840) | MacDonald, Murdoch (I6082)
44 | 14.6.1840 Wester Alligin to Alexander MacDonald and Anne MacDonald - Murdoch (born 24.1.1840) | MacDonald, Murdoch (I6082)
45 | 14.7.1830 Corry to Malcolm Mackenzie and Christian MacDonald - Christian Ref: 058/20/177 | McKenzie, Christina (I5157)
46 | 14.7.1834 John MacDonald, Calnakill, Applecross and Annabella MacDonald, Annat | Family (F2018)
47 | 15 Jul 1910, Cronton Terrace, Newmains Father: Roderick McKenzie, Baker (Journeyman) Mother: Elizabeth Simpson McKenzie (nee Marshall) Married: 17 April 1902, Gibraltar Signed: Roderick McKenzie Father Registered: 21 July 1910 at Wishance | McKenzie, Andrew Marshall (I718)
48 | 15.1.1817 Doire nam Fuaran to Roderick MacLean and Catherine MacBeth - Anne | McLean, Anne (I5126)
49 | 15.12.1816 Alligin to Donald Macdonald and Ann Macbeth Mary | MacDonald, Mary (I4582)
50 | 15.3.1820 Donald MacDonald, Alligin and Christian MacDonald, Alligin | Family (F1238)
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